I changed my life to the extend of almost been reborn as a person.
I've been there...
Pursuing a career in acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine has been my dream for a very long time. As I am a kinesthetic type of person, I feel at home when I perform hands-on healing.
While Western medicine aims to address the health issue when it arises, Chinese medicine brings back a balance to life. My father passed away not because of his original disease of rheumatoid arthritis but rather from the side of effect of the treatment. This has become a pivotal point in my decision to pursue my career in Chinese medicine.
Moreover, as technology makes our work increasingly efficient, it is inevitable that computer-related stress becomes a common phenomenon. I have witnessed that the long-term consequences of stress on the body can be highly alarming, especially in high-tech world as I have had been experienced myself for more than ten years.
I have a great empathy for those clients who suffer chronic body conditions. I believe my services in Chinese medicine can offer a great benefit to my clients.