Personalized patient care with Chinese medicine and “health coaching” are what set Chakra Healing Acupuncture Clinic apart. When there is a discomfort or pain that you may feel as though you’ve got stuck with, we’re here to show you that our comprehensive natural health care can help you. We take the time to get to know the unique health concern from each of our patients and clients. We integrate health coaching into our holistic and acupuncture treatments so that our patients and clients can learn from their own experience and become a healer for their own body.
My mom had been diagnosed earlier this year with lung cancer. The medication – while helpful – had various side effects like trouble with the digestive system, swollen feet and pain. While my mom was initially skeptical about resorting to Chinese medicine, she has now completely turned around. The combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs as improved circulation, reduced pain and let to an overall better well-being. When Dr. Fan was out of town, she kept asking when he would be back. Her weight loss has stopped and reversed as her appetite is back …… – Qing Z.